What is a Contested Divorce? What do Spouses Fight Over? Why you Need a Good Divorce Lawyer!
An uncontested divorce also referred to as a simple divorce, is a case where both parties agree on everything. A contested divorce, on the other hand, as any Jacksonville, Florida divorce lawyer can tell you, can get nasty and bitter quickly because spouses can not agree on everything and sometimes nothing at all. These fundamental issues must be adjudicated by the court instead.

Some key areas of disagreement requiring court adjudication include:
- Custody of minor children
- Child support amounts
- Spousal support/alimony
- Division of property and/or assets
- Allocation of debt
The Pro’s and Con’s of A Contested Divorce
- You may get better settlement terms or a more favorable outcome.
- The court is an impartial third party who will make an unbiased determination.
- Some parties may feel a need to be heard during the divorce process.
- If an agreement can be reached in mediation, then a settlement can be entered with the court. Then no further court adjudication may be needed.
- One party may be unable to freely negotiate an agreement due to fear, intimidation, domestic violence, or other relevant factors.
- There may be an imbalance of power in the relationship, and court adjudication may be needed to make sure the best interests of the weaker spouse are looked out for.
- A contested divorce is more expensive, and you will need a divorce lawyer in Jacksonville, Florida if you want the best possible outcome in this type of case.
- When any disputes arise during a divorce, this can delay the final disposition of the case, making the process take longer and require additional hearings and filings.
- Fighting it out in court can be emotionally draining, and take a toll on your mental health.
- You may not want all of the details of your private life in trial transcripts for the world to see.
- You may not be okay with a judge who does not know you, making final decisions in your case.
Divorce can be full of surprises. Even when people think they know each other, things can take a dark and drastic turn once these proceedings start. You need a Jacksonville, Florida divorce lawyer who knows how to negotiate on your behalf, and who will be aggressive in looking out for your interests, That lawyer is the Adam Sacks of Sacks and Sacks Family Law. Give us a call at (904) 396-5557 or contact us.
“ Uncontested and Contested Divorces: What is the Difference?” attorneys.com http://www.attorneys.com/divorce/what-is-an-uncontested-divorce#:~:text=The%20contested%20divorce%20is%20the,court%20to%20adjudicate%20their%20dispute. Accessed 3 August 2020/