Divorce Attorney Jacksonville

Looking for the best and cheapest Jacksonville Divorce Attorney near you?

If you are in need of a Jacksonville divorce lawyer, look no further than Adam Sacks. We’re local, we’re affordable, and we are here for you. Call us at (904) 396-5557 or fill out the contact form for a free divorce consultation.

Divorce, also known as dissolution of marriage, is the process of terminating a marriage or marital union.[1] Divorce usually entails the canceling or reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, thus dissolving the bonds of matrimony between a married couple under the rule of law of the particular country or state.

Cite: “Divorce.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Jan. 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce.

Now you know the definition, but that’s not enough, is it? As a Jacksonville divorce attorney, we have over 50 years of combined legal experience in family law and dissolution of marriage proceedings. A dissolution of marriage is a serious matter and the legal term for a divorce. Whether you are looking for an attorney to assist you with property division, alimony, child support or any matter related to family law. I can assist you with your legal matters and I charge reasonable legal fees.

Jacksonville Divorce Attorney

Why You Should Use Sacks & Sacks for Your Jacksonville Divorce?

Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. During this process, any assets, liabilities, custody, alimony and spousal support, child support, and other matrimonial disputes and matters are decided.

A dissolution of marriage can be messy and chaotic or calm and unemotional, it can be contested or uncontested, it can be friendly, or it can become bitter and heated, and things often do not go as planned in the beginning.

You need someone on your side, someone who will fight tirelessly for you and your rights. Someone who is available when you need them. That someone is Adam Sacks, of Sacks and Sacks in Jacksonville, Florida.

Jacksonville, Florida Divorce Facts and Statistics

  • In 2015 there were 3,700 divorces in the Jacksonville, Florida area.
  • Reports show that the US economic impact from a single divorce can be as high as $30,000.
  • 60% of children born in the State of Florida are born into a broken home or single-parent household.
  • The average contested divorce with minor children can cost more than $13,000.
  • Mothers receive custody of children in roughly 90% of divorce cases, and 73% of these moms receive child support.
  • Less than 30% of custodial fathers receive court-ordered child support.

The judge in a divorce Can:

  • Divide property in the fairest way possible, considering all of the circumstances and the overall situation.
  • Determine an amount for child support and/or spousal support/ alimony, and then enter an order for this amount.
  • Order child visitation and child custody. The judge tries to determine what is in the best interests of the minor children involved.
  • An order that a party restrains from certain actions, activities, and conduct, such as physically harming the other party or children involved, or arguing in front of the children.
  • Issue emergency orders in a timely matter after a motion is filed.

The Judge in a Divorce Can Not:

  • Give all property to one parent. Every divorce is different, with different circumstances, incomes, debts, and assets.
  • Guarantee that both parties will remain civil to each other; therefore, since the court will not be there during parenting time, any changes or any issues will need to be addressed by filing a motion if the other party does not honor the court order regarding visitation time, custody, and parenting time, they may be found in contempt.
  • Keep your standard of living the same. There are economic consequences when you divorce, and your standard of living will most likely change.
  • Help you heal emotionally, or punish your ex for all of their perceived wrongs doings during the marriage. These are worked through in therapy, not in family court.

Divorce is Unpredictable, and No Two Cases are the Same!

If you are considering a dissolution of marriage, you need to consult with an experienced Jacksonville, Florida divorce lawyer as soon as possible. Divorce does not come with any guarantees; you need someone with experience and knowledge representing you, so that you can get the best possible outcome.

At Sacks and Sacks, we treat every client like family, and we are available around the clock when you need us. We offer affordable pricing, flexible payment plans, and personal service that can not be found anywhere else. Children are always welcome, and we understand finding last minute child care is not always an option. Consultations can be handled remotely in these unprecedented times as well as in our office.

Cheap Divorce Lawyer: I can match any Jacksonville divorce attorney on affordability. You maybe surprised at how low-cost my services are.

Judges try to be fair and impartial, but they only hear the worst of both sides when a contested dissolution of marriage occurs. In many situations, there is no clear or easy answer. Fair property settlements, custody and visitation arrangements, and child support/alimony/spousal support amounts are usually reached through negotiations with attorneys.

Call the Sacks and Sacks Firm at (904) 396-5557 today for your free consultation. See how we can help you with your divorce or family law issues.


“What is Divorce Good For?”.Family.findlaw.com  https://family.findlaw.com/divorce/divorce-what-it-can-and-cannot-do-for-you.html Accessed 3 August 2020.

Nolo. “Divorce and Family Law.” Nolo.com https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/family-law-divorce .Accessed 3 August 2020.

The Jacksonville Divorce Process

  • Petition For Divorce
    Either spouse may start the process by filing a petition for the dissolution of a marriage. This can be done at the circuit court of any location in which they both lived, or one of them lives. This petition must state that the marriage is “irretrievably broken,” and it must also state what is being asked by the court. The one that files first is known as “the petitioner” throughout the case. These forms may be found on the Florida Courts Website.
  • Serve The Divorce Papers
    Divorce papers can be delivered in several ways. You may serve them yourself, serve them via someone approved by the court, hire a professional process server, have the county sheriff serve the divorce papers. If the individual can not be located or is located in a different country, the process becomes much more difficult. The respondent has 20 days from receiving the divorce papers to respond.
  • Request Any Temporary Orders – If Needed
    You can make any temporary orders during the divorce proceedings. These requests can be related to child support, spousal support, child custody, visitation, and even attorney fees. If a request is granted by a court judgment in Florida, it will stand until they are superseded by another court judgment.
  • Financial Disclosure
    Depending on the family or couples wealth. Financial disclosures can be tediously time-consuming. Yet, it was one of the most important steps in any divorce proceeding. It is how the court will divide assets and debt, but the court needs to know the “real” number. If you try to hide assets or wealth, a court can find you in contempt, and a judge may impose a heavy fine and award attorney fee’s incurred for having to bring the motion.
  • Discovery of Evidence
    Discovery is a process for obtaining case information for either you or your spouse. During this phase, an attorney can ask for anything from paystubs, bank statements, tax returns, medical records, or any other records they feel are necessary.
  • Divorce Settlement/Negotiations
    Before going to trial, it is always best for both parties to negotiate a settlement. A settlement can not be reached until both parties agree on every issue surrounding the divorce. These include attorney fees, child custody, child support, debt allocation, marital status, spousal support, property division, and visitation.
  • Trial
    A divorce has a trial like any other matter. Both parties get to present their cases after the judge hears both sides and makes a ruling on any issues which were not resolved in the negotiation process.
  • Post-Judgement
    After any divorce, there is a to-dos listing; it can range from closing joint bank accounts, changing vehicle tiles, updating estate plans, and more.

Law Offices of Sacks & Sacks, P.A.

1646 Emerson St Suite B, Jacksonville, FL 32207
Phone: (904) 396-5557

Sacks and Sacks Law
1646 Emerson St. Suite B Jacksonville, FL 32207

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