How to File for Divorce in Duval County?

February 9, 2024by Adam Sacks

The Divorce Process

Divorce is a legal process that dissolves a marriage and involves a range of steps to complete. Understanding how to file for divorce process can help individuals navigate through this often emotionally charged journey.

The process in Duval County typically begins with the filing of a divorce petition, which outlines the grounds for divorce and the desired outcome. This is followed by the service of divorce papers to the spouse, who then has the opportunity to respond. [1]

If disagreements arise, negotiations or mediation can be pursued to reach a settlement agreement. If these efforts fail, the case may proceed to court, where a judge will make decisions regarding child custody, spousal support, property division, and other relevant issues.

Once all matters are resolved, the court will issue a final judgment of divorce, officially ending the marriage.


Filing for Divorce in Duval County

When filing for divorce in Duval County, Florida, there are several key factors to consider.

Whether yours is a contested or uncontested divorce, understanding the unique guidelines specific to this county will help ensure a smoother transition into the next chapter of your life.

  • Individuals must complete the necessary paperwork for divorce, including the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and any additional forms required by the specific court. These documents must then be filed with the clerk at the appropriate court.
  • After filing, serve the divorce papers to the spouse. This can be done through a process server, certified mail, or other acceptable methods outlined by the court. Proof of service must be provided to the court to demonstrate that the spouse has been properly notified of the divorce proceedings.
  • Depending on the circumstances, individuals may be required to attend a parenting course. This course aims to educate parents on the impact of divorce on children and provide them with the necessary skills to navigate co-parenting effectively.
  • Both parties must exchange Financial Affidavits, which detail their assets, debts, income, and expenses. This information assists with determining property division and financial support arrangements.
  • Once these preliminary steps have been completed, individuals can schedule a hearing with the court. During the hearing, both parties present their case, and the judge makes the final decision regarding matters such as child custody, support, and division of assets.

After the judge has made the final decision, individuals can file the Final Disposition with the clerk’s office, officially concluding the divorce proceedings.

Filing for Divorce in Duval County


Where to File for Divorce in Duval County?

In Duval County, individuals can file their divorce papers within the:

  • Circuit Civil Court
  • Duval County Clerk of Courts Unified Family Court

Preparing to File For Divorce in Duval County

If you are considering filing for divorce in Duval County, Florida, be aware of the procedures and requirements specific to this jurisdiction.

Consider Mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution: If you and your spouse are open to resolving your differences amicably, consider mediation or alternative dispute resolution options. These alternatives can potentially save time, and money, and reduce the emotional toll of a litigated divorce.

Consult a Divorce Attorney: Navigating the legal complexities of divorce can be overwhelming, so it is advisable to consult with an experienced divorce attorney in Duval County. They can offer guidance and support, ensuring you understand your rights, responsibilities, and legal options throughout the process.

Gather Important Documents: To prepare for divorce proceedings, gather documents such as your marriage certificate, financial records, bank statements, tax returns, and any other documentation relevant to your financial situation, property ownership, and children’s upbringing.

Understand the Residency Requirements: Before filing for divorce in Duval County, ensure that you meet the residency requirements. Either you or your spouse must have been a resident of the county for at least six months prior to filing.


Time Frames For Filing and Completing the Entire Process

In Duval County, Florida, the time frames for filing and completing the entire process of low-cost document preparation and court filing services for divorce vary depending on the circumstances and complexity of the case.

Typically, the filing process can take around 1 to 2 months, while completing the entire process may take anywhere from 3 to 12 months, or even longer in more intricate cases.

  1. To initiate the process, the first step involves filing a petition for divorce in the Duval County Clerk of Court’s office. This typically takes around 1 to 2 weeks.
  2. After the petition is filed, the spouse must be served with a copy of the petition, which can take an additional 2 to 4 weeks if they are cooperative, but may take longer if they are difficult to locate or unwilling to accept service.
  3. Once the spouse has been served, they have a certain time frame to respond to the petition. This can range from 20 to 30 days, depending on the circumstances.
  4. If the spouse responds, negotiations regarding child custody, support, property division, and spousal maintenance may take place, either through mediation or through direct communication between the spouses and their attorneys. This negotiation phase can take several weeks to several months.
  5. If an agreement is reached, the next step is drafting the final divorce papers and submitting them to the court for approval. This can take around 2 to 4 weeks.
  6. If the parties cannot reach an agreement, the case may proceed to trial, which could significantly prolong the process.

Time Frames For Filing and Completing the Entire Process


Filing Fees for Divorce in Duval County

The filing fees for divorce in Duval County, FL, are considered a payment for the court’s services and are charged at the time of filing. For divorce cases, the current filing fee in Duval County is $408.

This fee is subject to change, and it is recommended to check the official Duval County Clerk of Courts website for the most up-to-date information.

There is an exception for indigent petitioners who may be unable to afford the filing fee. In such cases, these individuals can request a fee waiver. A fee waiver is a special consideration provided to those who meet specific financial eligibility criteria.

The court will review the petitioner’s financial situation and determine if they qualify for a fee waiver. If approved, the filing fee will be waived, allowing the petitioner to proceed with the divorce process without the financial burden of the fee.


Division of Assets

In the context of divorce, the division of assets, known as equitable distribution, involves determining the ownership of assets accumulated during the marriage and assigning a value to each item.

Equitable distribution ensures that both spouses receive a fair share of the marital assets. This typically involves assessing the value of assets, such as real estate, investments, savings accounts, vehicles, and personal belongings.

Once the value is determined, the assets are divided based on various factors, including the financial needs of each party, the duration of the marriage, and the contributions each spouse made towards acquiring the assets.


Credit Card Division During a Divorce in Duval County

When it comes to credit card division, joint accounts often present a challenge. Consider the liabilities associated with these accounts before finalizing the divorce. Joint credit card debt is typically divided between the parties based on their financial ability to pay. In some cases, one party may assume responsibility for the debt, while in others, it may be divided equally.

Close joint credit card accounts to avoid potential liabilities. This can be done by paying off the balances or transferring the debt to individual accounts. Monitor credit reports regularly to ensure that all joint accounts are closed and there are no lingering financial ties.

Credit Card Division During a Divorce in Duval County


Custody and Visitation Rights for Minor Children

In Duval County, divorce cases involving minor children require careful consideration of custody and visitation rights. The court utilizes specific guidelines and factors to determine the child’s best interest when making custody decisions.

Custody arrangements are made with the primary focus on the child’s well-being. The court evaluates factors such as the child’s age, needs, and the parents’ ability to meet those needs. Other factors considered include the physical and mental health of each parent, any evidence of domestic violence or substance abuse, and the child’s relationship with each parent.

Visitation schedules are influenced by similar factors, aiming to promote the child’s relationship with both parents while ensuring their safety and stability.

The court determines the frequency, duration, and nature of visitation based on the child’s best interest. Factors taken into account include the child’s:

  • Geographical proximity between the parents’ residences
  • Parental work schedules
  • School and extracurricular activities

The criteria used to determine custody arrangements prioritize providing a stable and nurturing environment for the child. This means considering the stability of each parent’s home, the presence of extended family support, and the willingness of each parent to promote a healthy and loving relationship with the other parent.

In Duval County divorce cases involving minor children, custody and visitation rights are essential matters that the court carefully considers. The well-being and best interests of the child are paramount, and decisions are made to ensure a stable and nurturing environment that promotes their growth and happiness.


Alimony/Spousal Support Payments

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a payment made by one spouse to the other following a divorce or legal separation. The requirements and process of alimony payments vary based on relevant state laws and divorce regulations. [2]

When determining the amount of alimony, several factors are considered, including the:

  • Earning capacity of each spouse
  • Financial needs and resources of the recipient’s spouse
  • Length of the marriage
  • Standard of living during the marriage

The duration of alimony payments is typically determined by the court, taking into account factors such as the length of the marriage and the recipient spouse’s ability to become self-supporting. In some cases, alimony may be awarded for a specific period of time, known as rehabilitative alimony, to allow the recipient spouse to gain education or skills necessary for financial independence.

Tax implications of alimony payments also vary depending on the relevant laws. In some jurisdictions, alimony may be tax-deductible for the paying spouse and taxable income for the recipient spouse.

Alimony agreements may be modified or terminated under certain circumstances, such as a change in the financial circumstances of either party or the occurrence of events specified in the divorce decree. Modifications or terminations of alimony payments require a court order.

Alimony/Spousal Support Payments


Call the experienced divorce attorneys at Sacks & Sacks who are available to discuss your case and discuss the best legal options with you. Request a free consultation today.



What is the average duration for a divorce process in Duval County?

According to Section 61.19 of the Florida Statutes, a final judgment of dissolution cannot be entered until at least 20 days have passed since the original petition was filed. The attorneys are unable to provide information on when a judge may issue an order in a specific case. [3]

Can I file for divorce in Duval County if I live in another county?

To be eligible for a divorce in Florida, one of the parties must meet the residency requirement outlined in Section 61.021 of the Florida Statutes, which states that they must have lived in the state for at least six months prior to filing the petition. [4]

What is the average cost of filing for divorce in Duval County?

Duval County court filing fees are around $410. There might be additional minor payments required, such as those covering the cost of making copies.



[1] Bieber, C. (2023, January 3). The Divorce Process: A Step By Step Guide. Forbes Advisor.

[2] Alimony: What Is It & How Does It Work? | MetLife. (n.d.). MetLife.

[3] Statutes & Constitution  :View Statutes  : Online Sunshine. (n.d.).

[4] Statutes & Constitution  :View Statutes  : Online Sunshine. (n.d.).

by Adam Sacks

Adam Sacks is lead Family Law Attorney at Law Offices of Sacks & Sacks, P.A. in Jacksonville, Florida. He has a BA in Psychology from 1994, and received his Juris Doctor Degree in 1999 from the Western Michigan University Cooley Law School.

Sacks and Sacks Law
1646 Emerson St. Suite B Jacksonville, FL 32207

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