How Much Does Divorce Cost in Jacksonville

January 11, 2025by Adam Sacks

What Does Divorce Cost in Jacksonville?

Florida is ranked among states with a high divorce rate. The divorce data of Florida as of 2020 shows that a divorce without children costs $13,500 on average, while a divorce where children are involved costs around $20,300. [1] This cost comprises the fee to file for divorce, divorce attorney charges, court-related fees, and mediation charges.

If you are planning to file for a divorce in Jacksonville, it is helpful to understand the costs to understand the financial impact of the decision.


Understanding the Types of Divorce

The cost of a divorce depends upon how it takes place. There are primarily three types of divorce in Florida.

Simplified Divorce

In Jacksonville, this is the easiest and fastest way to divorce. The law places certain conditions which must be met in order for a couple to have a simplified divorce. The couple should not have any minor children or any pregnancy. It also requires that the couple file a financial affidavit and amicably resolve all issues.


Simplified Divorce


Uncontested Divorce

If the couple has minor children or they are expecting another child at the time of divorce, they cannot opt for a simplified divorce. They can, however, opt for an uncontested divorce. The couple must agree on the division of marital property, custody of children, child support, and other legal issues. They must submit a marital settlement agreement.

Since the couple agrees on all key issues, the legal formalities are completed sooner, requiring less courtroom time. In an uncontested divorce, the cost involves filing fees and legal representation.

Filing fees in Duval County, where Jacksonville is located, is around $400. [2] If both parties are able to work out all the details amicably, there may not be any need for legal representation, which would lower the overall divorce cost.


Contested Divorce

A contested divorce is longer and more complex and, therefore, more expensive. This is because the couple is unable to settle their differences amicably. They may be in disagreement over alimony, child custody, child support, or the division of assets and debts. This not only makes the divorce process longer, it also costs both parties more.

For a contested divorce, you need to include attorney fees, which are typically charged on an hourly basis. The longer the litigation continues, the higher the cost of the divorce.


Contested Divorce


Legal Representation Expenses

The divorce attorney fees largely determine the cost of a divorce. The attorney fees depend upon experience as well as the complexity of the case. There are two ways in which attorneys charge their clients.

Flat-Fee Divorce Attorneys

A low-cost option is to find a divorce attorney who charges a flat fee. This option typically applies to uncontested divorces where the couple is in agreement of the legalities surrounding the divorce. This makes the divorce process straightforward. Using this option, you can avoid the unpredictability of hourly billing.

In Jacksonville, the flat-fee of divorce lawyers ranges between $500 to $2,500. A flat-fee arrangement considers the time spent by the attorney to prepare and file the legal documents, as well as consultation time.


Hourly Billing

Most divorce attorneys charge by the hour. In contested divorce cases, the divorce process is longer and unpredictable so the flat-fee model cannot apply. The cost of the divorce comes down to the total number of hours needed for the case. In Jacksonville, hourly rates generally range from $250 to $500. This includes the time spent on consultations, document preparation, financial information review, negotiations with the other party, and court hearings.

The cost of a divorce is directly proportional to the duration of the litigation process. The longer the process, the higher the cost of divorce gets; in exponential terms. For example, if your attorney charges $300 per hour and spends 40 hours on the case, the fees alone would be $12,000.


Hourly Billing


Court Fees

The cost of a divorce also includes court-related expenses. Filing for divorce costs around $400. [2] This covers the cost of submitting the divorce petition to the court and initiating the legal process. The fees can be waived if a party is not able to afford it. To do this, you need to submit an Application for Determination of Civil Indigent Status. [3]

Apart from the filing fees, the court may also charge fees for serving divorce papers on the other party. In some cases where the court orders mediation, extra charges also apply.


Mediation Costs

When the court deems fit, it orders mediation between the parties filing for divorce. This is done so that they can reach an agreement on unsettled legal matters and the case does not go to trial. Mediation is usually required for child custody and visitation.

Mediators charge on an hourly basis. The total cost of mediation is calculated by the mediator’s fee and the number of hours required to reach an agreement. Mediator fees in Jacksonville range between $100 and $400 per hour. Much like the attorney fees, the cost depends on the qualifications and experience of the mediator.


Mediation Costs


Ways to Minimize Divorce Costs in Jacksonville

Divorce can be expensive, but there are certain strategies that you can use to cut down on the financial impact.

Go for an Uncontested Divorce

If you and your partner can agree on legal matters like asset division, child custody, and visitation, then it is best that you opt for an uncontested divorce. Uncontested divorces are faster and less expensive than contested ones.

Use Mediation

Mediation costs less than going to court. Couples can work with a neutral third-party mediator to reach an agreement on all contested issues. This can result in a low-cost divorce.

Choose Your Divorce Attorney Wisely

Before hiring a divorce attorney, it is wise to compare fees. Usually, attorneys offer free consultations or reduced rates for initial consultations. You can find out what works for you best by consulting with multiple attorneys.

The cost of divorce in Jacksonville varies significantly depending on whether the case is uncontested or contested, the attorney’s fees, and other factors such as mediation.


Choose Your Divorce Attorney Wisely


If you are in Jacksonville looking for a divorce attorney, contact Sacks & Sacks divorce lawyers for a free consultation today.



Q. What factors influence the cost of a divorce in Jacksonville?
The cost is influenced by attorney fees, court-related expenses, mediation charges, and whether the divorce is contested or uncontested.

Q. Can I represent myself in a divorce in Jacksonville?
Yes, in some cases, especially in uncontested divorces, individuals may represent themselves to save on attorney fees.

Q. How can I minimize divorce costs in Jacksonville?
Opting for an uncontested divorce, using mediation, and limiting attorney involvement can help reduce overall costs.

Q. Can court fees be waived in Jacksonville?
Yes, individuals who cannot afford court fees may request a waiver by submitting an Application for Determination of Civil Indigent Status.



[1] Today, H. B. U. (2020, January 21). The cost of divorce: How much do you pay to get divorced in California vs. Colorado? WLST.

[2] – Fee Schedules. (n.d.).


by Adam Sacks

Adam Sacks is lead Family Law Attorney at Law Offices of Sacks & Sacks, P.A. in Jacksonville, Florida. He has a BA in Psychology from 1994, and received his Juris Doctor Degree in 1999 from the Western Michigan University Cooley Law School.

Sacks and Sacks Law
1646 Emerson St. Suite B Jacksonville, FL 32207

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